Expert Technical Tree Removals
Expert Technical Tree Removals
We are your best choice for large tree removals in tight spots. In fact, we get called by frustrated homeowners quite often to clean up what another company couldn't finish. We can typically handle the very largest tree removals in a day or less with stump grinding, and all materials removed. As always, we clean up our mess to a very high standard.
We pride ourselves on extracting logs from tree removal jobs that will be brought immediately to the sawmill to produce locally-sourced high quality lumber and wood products. The good news for our customers is that helps offset the expenses involved in removing large trees from difficult places. This is why we have the lowest rates in the area. Click here to see the fates of some of our customers' trees.
We also offer stump grinding services.
Some videos and pictures from recent jobs:
Some videos and pictures from recent jobs:
Our bobcat works for you!!
Our bobcat works for you!!
Technical dead elm tree removal
Technical dead elm tree removal
Rigging down limbs on an elm tree removal to not damage the leach field underneath
Technical cottonwood removal
Technical cottonwood removal
Rigging down the top of a cottonwood to not damage the fence line or neighbor's property underneath